Unicorn Decal Dream

I am so sick. For the last twenty-four hours I’ve been flushed and sweaty. My body has been aching and I feel extremely weak. All in all I just feel terrible and I wish I could just sleep through the pain until I wake up feeling better again. But alas, I have to work. Fortunately, I can work from my bed, otherwise, there would be no hope of me working today at all.

On my lunch break, instead of going for my usual walk and getting a bite to eat, I decided to close my laptop and have a nap on my bed. My body and mind clearly needed it. I clearly haven’t woken up feeling any better seeing as I’m still complaining about my aches and weakness, but I have woken up feeling particularly inspired. In my hazy nap dream I was surrounded by vibrant colours and looked after by a unicorn. It sounds bizarre, I know. It was probably the painkillers that made me all loopy. But because of my dream, I’m now interested in getting a unicorn wall decal for my bedroom. I just felt so protected by the unicorn, like even though I feel like I’m on my deathbed, I was going to be okay.

I’ll probably have to check with my husband that he’s okay with me adding a new wall decal to our bedroom. We already have a couple dotted around the walls. My husband’s favourite in our collection is the colourful dinosaur wall decal and so I think adding a unicorn next to it won’t be an issue. I can’t assume though, because you know what they say about assuming! I won’t type it out because it hurts to laugh, but just know that I’m laughing on the inside.

I’ll let you know what my husband says once I’ve had a chance to talk to him. He’s lucky enough not to be sick at the moment and so he’s out and about enjoying his Friday afternoon. I wish!