Car Drifting Skills

I just did the safe driving course. It was AWESOME! It was so much cooler than I was expecting. When I looked at the course in this pamphlet my parents gave me, it just looked like this lame thing where I’d have to drive around cones all day. I thought it was going to be the biggest waste of time, but it was actually really fun. I did burnouts and skidding and I had to stop really fast heaps of times. It was stuff I’ve never done before because my parents would kill me, but I was allowed to do this!

It made sense why I had to visit a mechanic beforehand. My car was fine and in a good condition, but they had to check my brakes to make sure that I’d be able to stop properly even if I was going really fast. I guess my mechanic in Milperra knew about the requirements of the safe driving course and checked everything accordingly because my day went down without a hitch.

In case you’re wondering, yes I passed the course. I was always going to pass because I’m a good driver. I’m so glad I did the course though because it was just so much fun. It’s kind of made me want to start doing burnouts and skids with my friends, which I think is the complete opposite idea of the safe driving course, but damn it’s fun. My friends would love it.

I wonder if I can get the auto electrician near me to install cool drifting stuff in my car without my parents knowing. Surely if I’m the one paying then I can ask for pretty much anything I want. I bought the car myself and I pay for all its services (except for that one before the driving course) so if I want to install drifting technology then who’s going to stop me?