Mechanic Interview

I’ve been asked for my school assignment to interview someone in the community and write about what they said. We need to choose someone who works in an industry that we are interested in so that we can get an idea of what it’s like. This will hopefully help us choose our subjects for next year. I’m going to do the interview now and record it so that it automatically transcribes what we say into written word. Hopefully that way, I can spend less time doing my assignment.

Commence interview:

So Jack, why did you decide to become a mechanic?

Great question, mate! When I was sixteen, just a bit older than you, I realised that I didn’t want to go to university once I finished high school. I wanted to do something with my hands and not have to sit behind a desk all day for the rest of my life. I wanted to do something where I would see instant results like a brake pad replacement or repair. I landed on becoming a mechanic when I did some research on trades and realised that this one was the best for me. Does that answer your question, mate?

Sure does, thanks. So my next question is, what is the best part about being a mechanic?

Being a mechanic is bloody brilliant. I work great hours, and because I’m the main mechanic in the Lockleys area, I get to meet all types of people every day. I also really love cars and knowing that I’m making them work in the best condition possible makes me really happy. I’d really recommend anyone who is considering becoming a mechanic to really look into it because it’s way better than a normal desk job.

Thanks for your time, Jack. That’s everything I needed today.

No worries mate, hope I helped.

End interview. 

Well, that was good. I definitely have enough information for my assignment. I think I might actually be a mechanic after I finish school, too.